51 free art prints of
that help you shift your limiting beliefs about money
you can also make an art book of these prints :)
A declaration is a positive statement and an official intention to undertake a particular course of action or adopt a particular status. You make them emphatically and out loud while touching your body. It is a formal statement of energy into the universe and throughout your body. Everything is made of energy that travels in frequencies and vibrations. Declarations carry their own vibrational frequency. When you state a declaration aloud, its energy vibrates throughout the cells of your body, and by touching your body at the same time, you can feel its unique resonance. Declarations send a specific and powerful message to the Universe and to your subconscious mind.
You first put your hand on your heart, then make a verbal declaration, then touch your head with your index finger and make another verbal declaration which is "I have a millionaire mind." State them aloud each morning and each evening. Doing them while looking into a mirror will accelerate the process even more. Now, I have to admit that when I first heard of all this, I said, "No way. This declaration stuff is far too hokey for me." but because I was broke at that time, I decided, "What the heck, it can't hurt," and started doing them. Now I'm rich, so it shouldn't come as big surprise that I believe that declarations really work. Either way, I’d rather be really hokey and really rich than really cool and really broke.
How about you?
Your mind is a big file cabinet. All information that comes in is labeled and filed in folders so that it’s easy to retrieve to help you survive. In every situation, you go to the files of your mind to determine how to respond.
You're considering a financial opportunity. You automatically go to your file labeled money and from there decide what to do. The only thoughts you can think about money will be what are stored in your money file in your mind. You decide what you think is the right choice based on what you believe is logical, sensible, and appropriate for you at that time. The problem is that your right choice may not be a successful choice. In fact, what makes perfect sense to you may consistently produce perfectly poor results.
If you’ve got files in your cabinet that are non-supportive to financial success, those will be the only choices you can make. If you’ve got mind files that support financial success, you'll naturally and automatically make decisions that produce success.
AWARENESS – know how rich people think about money, wealth, themselves, others…
UNDERSTANDING – examine those differences
RECONDITIONING – install 17 alternative wealth files into your mind (with the help of these art prints)
(T. Harv Eker)
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind
If you want to study wealth files and declarations deeper, read the book Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker. The book reveals the missing link between wanting success and achieving it!
Have you ever wondered why some people seem to get rich easily, while others are destined for a life of financial struggle? Is the difference found in their education, intelligence, skills, timing, work habits, contacts, luck, or their choice of jobs, businesses, or investments?
The shocking answer is: None of the above!
In his groundbreaking Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, T. Harv Eker states: "Give me five minutes, and I can predict your financial future for the rest of your life!" Eker does this by identifying your "money and success blueprint."
We all have a personal money blueprint ingrained in our subconscious minds, and it is this blueprint, more than anything, that will determine our financial lives. You can know everything about marketing, sales, negotiations, stocks, real estate, and the world of finance, but if your money blueprint is not set for a high level of success, you will never have a lot of money -- and if somehow you do, you will most likely lose it! The good news is that now you can actually reset your money blueprint to create natural and automatic success.
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind is two books in one.
Part I explains how your money blueprint works. Through Eker's rare combination of street smarts, humor, and heart, you will learn how your childhood influences have shaped your financial destiny. You will also learn how to identify your own money blueprint and "revise" it to not only create success but, more important, to keep and continually grow it.
In Part II you will be introduced to seventeen "Wealth Files," which describe exactly how rich people think and act differently than most poor and middle-class people. Each Wealth File includes action steps for you to practice in the real world in order to dramatically increase your income and accumulate wealth.
If you are not doing as well financially as you would like, you will have to change your money blueprint. Unfortunately your current money blueprint will tend to stay with you for the rest of your life, unless you identify and revise it, and that's exactly what you will do with the help of this extraordinary book.
According to T. Harv Eker, it's simple. If you think like rich people think and do what rich people do, chances are you'll get rich too!
wealth file 1
Rich People Believe "I Create My Life." Poor People Believe "Life Happens to Me."
put your hand on your heart and say...
"I Create the Exact Level of My Financial Success!"
then touch your head with your index finger and say...
"I Have a Millionaire Mind."
(download the PDFs by clicking on the images)
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wealth file 2
Rich People Play the Money Game to Win. Poor People Play the Money Game to Not Lose.
put your hand on your heart and say...
"My Goal Is to Become a Millionaire and More!"
then touch your head with your index finger and say...
"I Have a Millionaire Mind."
(download the PDFs by clicking on the images)
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wealth file 4
Rich People Think Big. Poor People Think Small.
put your hand on your heart and say...
"I Think Big! I Choose to Help Thousands and Thousands of People!"
then touch your head with your index finger and say...
"I Have a Millionaire Mind."
(download the PDFs by clicking on the images)
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wealth file 5
Rich People Focus on Opportunities. Poor People Focus on Obstacles.
put your hand on your heart and say...
"I Focus on Opportunities Over Obstacles! I Get Ready, I Fire, I Aim!"
then touch your head with your index finger and say...
"I Have a Millionaire Mind."
(download the PDFs by clicking on the images)
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wealth file 6
Rich People Admire Other Rich and Successful People.
Poor People Resent Rich and Successful People.
put your hand on your heart and say...
"I Admire Rich People! I Bless Rich People! I Love Rich People!
And I’m Going to Be One of Those Rich People Too!"
then touch your head with your index finger and say...
"I Have a Millionaire Mind."
(download the PDFs by clicking on the images)
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wealth file 7
Rich People Associate with Positive, Successful People.
Poor People Associate with Negative or Unsuccessful People.
put your hand on your heart and say...
"I Model Rich and Successful People! I Associate with Rich and Successful People!
If They Can Do It, I Can Do It!"
then touch your head with your index finger and say...
"I Have a Millionaire Mind."
(download the PDFs by clicking on the images)
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wealth file 8
Rich People Are Willing to Promote Themselves and Their Value.
Poor People Think Negatively About Selling and Promotions.
put your hand on your heart and say...
"I Promote My Value to Others with Passion and Enthusiasm!"
then touch your head with your index finger and say...
"I Have a Millionaire Mind."
(download the PDFs by clicking on the images)
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wealth file 9
Rich People Are Bigger Than Their Problems. Poor People Are Smaller Than Their Problems.
put your hand on your heart and say...
"I Am Bigger Than Any Problems! I Can Handle Any Problems!"
then touch your head with your index finger and say...
"I Have a Millionaire Mind."
(download the PDFs by clicking on the images)
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wealth file 10
Rich People Are Excellent Receivers. Poor People Are Poor Receivers.
put your hand on your heart and say...
"I Am an Excellent Receiver! I Am Open and Willing to Receive Massive Amounts of Money
into My Life!"
then touch your head with your index finger and say...
"I Have a Millionaire Mind."
(download the PDFs by clicking on the images)
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wealth file 11
Rich People Choose to Get Paid Based on Results.
Poor People Choose to Get Paid Based On Time.
put your hand on your heart and say...
"I Choose to Get Paid Based on My Results!"
then touch your head with your index finger and say...
"I Have a Millionaire Mind."
(download the PDFs by clicking on the images)
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wealth file 13
Rich People Focus on Their Net Worth. Poor People Focus on Their Working Income.
put your hand on your heart and say...
"I Focus on Building My Net Worth!"
then touch your head with your index finger and say...
"I Have a Millionaire Mind."
(download the PDFs by clicking on the images)
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wealth file 14
Rich People Manage Their Money Well. Poor People Mismanage Their Money Well.
put your hand on your heart and say...
"I Am an Excellent Money Magnet!"
then touch your head with your index finger and say...
"I Have a Millionaire Mind."
(download the PDFs by clicking on the images)
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wealth file 15
Rich People Have Their Money Work Hard for Them. Poor People Work Hard for Their Money.
put your hand on your heart and say...
"My Money Works Hard for Me and Makes Me More and More Money!"
then touch your head with your index finger and say...
"I Have a Millionaire Mind."
(download the PDFs by clicking on the images)
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wealth file 16
Rich People Act in Spite of Fear. Poor People Let Fear Stop Them.
put your hand on your heart and say...
"I Act in Spite of Fear! I Act in Spite of Doubt! I Act in Spite of Worry! I Act in Spite of Inconvenience! I Act in Spite of Discomfort! I Act When I’m Not in The Mood!"
then touch your head with your index finger and say...
"I Have a Millionaire Mind."
(download the PDFs by clicking on the images)
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wealth file 17
Rich People Constantly Learn and Grow. Poor People Think They Already Know.
put your hand on your heart and say...
"I Am Committed to Constantly Learning and Growing!"
then touch your head with your index finger and say...
"I Have a Millionaire Mind."
(download the PDFs by clicking on the images)
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How to Do Business In a Way That Creates Wealth?
the answer:
Owning a business is a tried-and-true method for creating wealth. In fact, it's how 90% of self-made millionaires earn their fortunes.
But conventional wisdom says that it takes 3 years (and sometimes more) to generate a profit in a new business – even longer to get wealthy (if you ever do).
That's crazy!
Why should you work that hard for that long, take that much risk, and then LOSE money in the process?
It's the opposite of creating wealth.

if you want to make a lot of money at something, you need to learn how to do it well.
the people who perform the best are the ones earning the most.
very few entrepreneurs know HOW TO DO BUSINESS IN A WAY THAT CREATES WEALTH.
being good at delivering a service or creating a product isn't nearly enough if you don't know how to do the business itself – if you can't execute the basics of building wealth through business.

(learn more about these elements by watching the videos below )
(T. Harv Eker)
PART 1: How to Do Business In a Way That Creates Wealth
In this video you’ll learn:
The Formula for Creating Any Type of Success.
The Role of Fear in Process of Creating Business Success.
What Is Your Financial Blueprint.
How to Know If You Are Set for Financial Success or Not.
How to Change Your Limiting Beliefs Through Awareness, Understanding and Reconditioning.
Why Is Important Not to Listen to Broke People!
3 Ways of Being Conditioned: Verbal, Modeling and Specific Incidents.
The Importance of Money: Money Is Extremely Important in The Areas in Which It Works, and Extremely Unimportant in the Areas in Which It Doesn’t Work!
What Should Your New Belief System Be.
3 Elements in the Process of Creating Wealth by Helping People.
How to Make Money (Simple Is Usable, Complicated Is Interesting).
How to Make a Lot of Money.
What Money Really Is.
How to Become Rich Quickly (In Less Than 3 Years).
4 Strategic Things to Master That Will Help You Create Success in Business.
How a Little Bit of New Knowledge Impacts Your Confidence, and Positively Impacts Your Business Success.
PART 2: How to Do Business In a Way That Creates Wealth
In this video, T. Harv Eker answers the following questions:
[00:00:04] How Can You Change from a Broke Mindset to an Abundant Mindset? How to Shift Your Thinking?
[00:05:34] How Declarations Help You? (*on this page, you can download free art prints of 17 money declarations from Harv's book Secret of the Millionaire Mind)
[00:08:44] How to Make a Mental Leap from an Employee to an Entrepreneur?
[00:11:50] What to Do When You Feel You’re Not Being Paid Enough for What You’re Worth or Capable Of, But Also Feeling Scared of Quitting the Job to Start a Business and Losing Income?
[00:18:51] How to Find a Balance Between Physical (Making Plans) and Non-Physical (Attracting Abundance from the Universe)?
[00:22:34] When You Are Failing at Something, How to Know If You Should Keep at It, Or Let It Fail and Move on to the Next Idea?
[00:29:33] Once Having the Right Mindset, What Are the First Action Steps in the Process of Building a Business? What Are Key Elements When Choosing a Problem to Solve? Why Is Crucial to Focus on Helping People (Not Making Money)?
[00:35:49] How Will the Million Dollar Business Secrets Course Help You?
Money is an energy.
Money is a tool you can use to do good things for yourself (lifestyle) and others (contribution).
Money is extremely important in the areas in which it works, and extremely unimportant in the areas in which it doesn’t work.

The Million Dollar Business Secrets Home Training program
is a step-by-step guide for anyone who’s looking to achieve financial freedom using business as his/her WEALTH CREATION VEHICLE quickly (in less than 3 years).
The Million Dollar Business Secrets Home Training program is for anyone who is prepare to
The Million Dollar Business Secrets Home Training program reveals the critical strategies that allow a handful business owners to get incredibly wealthy – while most business owners are stuck toiling away in self-created jobs.
Million Dollar Business Secrets shows you how to think about and do business differently than most entrepreneurs. So your business is not only more likely to survive, but it's also more likely to produce the wealth you've been dreaming of.
The goal is to help you make money fast, to jumpstart your business and get out of the gate quickly. Just like a body in motion tends to stay in motion, a business that's growing its profits rapidly tends to dominate its industry.

The strategies you'll learn in Million Dollar Business Secrets are simple – for a reason.
Complex ideas are interesting. But they're not usable. It's too easy to get bogged down trying to figure out how to make them work for you. Hours spent debating, processing, planning, and strategizing easily become wasted time – and lost revenue.
The Million Dollar Business Secrets you'll learn are easy to use – and deadly effective.
Because what you'll learn is simple and easy to understand, you're more likely to use it, more likely to act quickly, and more likely to execute it well.

the Million Dollar Business Secrets course is a 4-module online training packed with 20 videos ranging from 11 to 44 minutes each
module 1
Wealthy entrepreneurs don't think like most business owners. They have a very different approach to business – an approach that makes them rich when other entrepreneurs struggle to stay afloat.
You'll learn:
The financial goal that poor business owners share, and the 3 financial intentions that wealthy business owners focus on instead
The 3 most dangerous but common words you might be saying (without even realizing it) that may be sabotaging your business success
4 critical factors that wealthy business owners focus on simultaneously, and why the one thing that poor business owners focus on keeps them broke
The only 3 parts of a business that matter, and why focusing on the wrong part (which the majority of business owners do) leads to mediocre results
The fastest and easiest way to exponentially increase your profits (this rule also explains how you slash expenses by 50% without feeling much of a pinch)
The #1 reason businesses get into trouble and the simple rule that savvy business owners follow to avoid this pitfall
The critical distinction wealthy business owners make when determining which types of products and services to offer
Which type of product or service to offer first – if you want to get wealthy fast
What research shows is the hands-down fastest way to double your profits
7 ways to approach the challenges of not having the capital you need to start your business
Why having multiple streams of income can actually undermine your success, and what to do to ensure you don't fall into this trap
How to determine where to focus your limited energy to ensure your efforts produce maximum revenue
The 3-word phrase that should become your mantra until you're rich
How to find great people for your team who won't cost you a fortune, slow you down or drive you nuts
The guiding principle to follow when setting up your business if you want financial and time freedom
The 3 types of business owner you can be, and the only 2 that get wealthy
The real reason wealthy people start businesses, and how making this decision upfront changes every aspect of your business
module 2
You work hard for your money. It's only natural that you want to keep as much of it as possible. Harv will spill the secrets of street-smart negotiations that work in the real world. Use these to save and make tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars in business and everyday life.
You'll learn:
2 huge myths about negotiation that prevent you from getting more of what you want
How most business owners prevent themselves from getting a better deal right from the start, and the simple (and ancient) technique you can use to overcome this obstacle
2 simple ways to create affinity with the other person, and why this is critical to your negotiating success
How to adjust your negotiation strategy depending on which role you're playing
The biggest misconception that costs businesses owners a fortune when negotiating
5 proven approaches you can use to get the other party to agree that you deserve more favorable terms
The #1 thing most business owners focus on when negotiating and why this is a huge mistake
module 3
Marketing is hands-down the most important business skill you can have. If you can't market, you don't have a business - period.
You'll learn:
4 keys to developing the ultimate marketing strategy
The key distinction wealthy business owners look for when picking a target audience
2 big questions your marketing message must answer if you want to persuade your target audience to buy from you
A time-proven way to stand out in your industry, and instantly position yourself as the one to buy from
The worst niche you can target when trying to build wealth quickly
The best (and easiest) way to create a Unique Selling Proposition – even if you're starting a business from scratch
The most cost-effective ways to reach your target audience, especially if you're working with a shoestring budget
The most critical element to remember when building and marketing your business if you'd someday like to sell it
The #1 asset you have in your business, and how to leverage it to produce significant boosts in revenue
The FEBE model for building your database and revenue
module 4
If you want to get wealthy in your business, you need to think big. For many, this means going far outside their comfort zone or way of thinking. Coming up with hot new business ideas is a learnable skill.
You'll learn:
Ways to find – and create – dozens of fantastic business opportunities (any of which will make you rich)
The 5-word formula that's key to making millions
How to work against the tide to uncover huge opportunities to rapidly grow your wealth
The easiest way to make money while minimizing risk
How more stringent laws can be huge money-making opportunities for the right person
How the behavior that got you in trouble in kindergarten can actually create business opportunities for you today
Which products and services are in demand right now – and why
How to get into a business that's already booming
How to incorporate new revenue-generating elements into your existing business
The simple change that can open new opportunities for a proven product or service

bonus 1
Most people in your life would rather tell you what you want to hear – not what you need to hear. They don't want to hurt your feelings or get you angry, so they'll often hold back from saying what they really think. Not Harv. He offers a unique form of hard-hitting coaching – and as a Million Dollar Business Secrets student, you'll get a dose of his "tough love" on this 90-minute group coaching call. Use the time to ask him your biggest question or get advice on your top challenge, or sit back and learn from others' experience in the hot seat.
bonus 2
Wealth and success begin in the mind. To help you adopt a wealthy mindset more quickly and easily, we've crafted a set of affirmations specifically to support what you learn in Million Dollar Business Secrets.
With this printable card and custom screensaver, your affirmations will always be within reach to help you stay focused.
bonus 3
Provided in printable PDF format, this workbook is the ideal place to jot down all key points, biggest learnings and powerful writing exercises. You'll return to it again and again as you grow your business.
bonus 4

option 2
MILLION DOLLAR BUSINESS SECRETS (MDBS) + Step Up And Lead: A Simple & Powerful System That Makes Anyone A Great Leader COURSE
Wealth and success begin in the mind. To help you adopt a wealthy mindset more quickly and easily, we've crafted a set of affirmations specifically to support what you learn in Million Dollar Business Secrets.
With this printable card and custom screensaver, your affirmations will always be within reach to help you stay focused.
option 3
The Wealthy Marketer COURSE to create your complete marketing system that will win you lifelong customers and make your company some serious profit (more info about this course HERE).
Secrets of Inner Power COURSE to master your mind, develop your character and live only from your most powerful self (more info about this course HERE).
Get Rich Doing What You Love COURSE to help you discover and get clear on your purpose, your passion, the cause you're meant to serve and how to use it to create wealth (more info about this course HERE).

T. Harv Eker is one of the greatest millionaire makers.
He’s taught over 1.5 million people how to create financial freedom through his seminars with attendees investing up to $20,000 for his coaching.
Featured as the world’s foremost prosperity expert on CNN, NBC, Fox News, in Forbes, USA Today, The New York Times and Men’s Health, Harv is the only teacher who effectively BLENDS FINANCIAL AND SPIRITUAL (creating wealth by really helping people) ABUNDANCE.
"Study Harv’s work as if your life depended on it; financially it may!"
(Tony Robbins)

Many business owners mistakenly believe that the only way to get the training they need to run a more successful business is to earn an MBA.
But earning an MBA is expensive - easily $100,000 or more. It's also time intensive requiring at least a couple years of your life.
When your goal is to create serious wealth you don't have years to wait. You need strategies you can implement now. You also don't want to put $100K or more in someone else's pocket. Much better to keep it and invest it in yourself, where the ROI will be unlimited.
Million Dollar Business Secrets delivers the most essential principles. These are the strategies that the wealthiest entrepreneurs in the world have used to generate mind-boggling wealth via business, so they can enjoy time freedom, live life on their terms and support their favorite causes.
The best part is that Million Dollar Business Secrets won't cost you $100,000, $50,000, $20,000 or even $5,000!
Business schools don't offer this!!!
Your results depend on how committed you are. The truth is that most people never do anything with the digital informational products they buy, so most of the time, they don’t get any results. In other words, if you want results, you need to follow the program and do the work!