The downloadable collection includes:
- eBOOK - It consists of lessons about the power of your subconscious mind, beliefs of reality, habits of living, and rules that destroy your dreams. Its goal is to make you aware that you are creating your life consciously or unconsciously. It helps you gain the knowledge that is essential for creating a life you want to live. You will become aware that you are creating your life every second – if you are aware of it or not. It helps you
★ understand how the process of manifesting your desires works,
★ get acquainted with the elements of a successful manifestation,☆ recognize limiting beliefs that prevent you from manifesting your desires,
★ better understand all the theoretical knowledge by means of the real examples that are scientifically proven.
- MONEY AND ABUNDANCE WORKBOOK – for 28 days you will go through 7 short daily practices that are based on ready-made affirmations for attracting money and abundance in your life.
★ English + language customization of the affirmations carried out by customer
- TEMPLATE WORKBOOK for practicing your own affirmations
★ GRATITUDE TEMPLATE for expressing gratitude on a daily basis.
★ AFFIRMATION TEMPLATE for writing down your affirmations on a daily basis.
★ ABUNDANCE CHECK TEMPLATE for writing your desires, sending them to the Universe, and allowing the Universe to manifest them.
- WALL DECOR PRINTABLE for keeping you inspired.
☆ Download the package.
☆ Get your printer ready, the workbook has 318 pages - consider printing templates (and pages of your choice) one-sided.
☆ For your visual delights, use a color printer.
☆ Use ring binders.
☆ Get yourself into reading the How To Make My Dreams Come True eBook.
☆ Make a commitment and stick with MONEY AND ABUNDANCE WORKBOOK.
☆ Pay attention to your excuses – they are limiting beliefs.
☆ Transform limiting beliefs to the positive beliefs and work with them for the next 28 days using the TEMPLATE WORKBOOK.
☆ If necessary, go through the workbooks once again - some people need many repetitions, some less or even nothing, the trick is to find the right balance of repetitions to achieve results you desire.
Attract Money & Abundance
My products are for personal use only. You can print as many copies as you need. Please do not redistribute or sell.
MONEY AND ABUNDANCE WORKBOOK will help you get the right mindset, so that you will finally be able to attract money.
For releasing deep subconscious blocks you gained in a very early stage of your life (when you were still in womb) and through your soul’s past lives meaning that you cannot be aware of them, please use the method explained at
I don’t issue refunds. Once you’ve viewed the purchased product, there is no way to "un-view" it. Also, once you take possession of a digital copy, I have no way to force you to give it back and, even if you did, I have no assurances that you returned your only copy. All purchases are final.
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